Emotional Intelligence, Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth, Spirituality

Releasing Karma takes work and a willingness to let go

“My role is to reconcile the past with the present, so that we can step into the future without baggage. This is the beginning of 4th dimension in which time is not the deciding factor. It becomes one of the pieces of relationship that is now active, instead of it being a passive element.”

This is one of the oldest voice notes in my phone. At the time, I was working through some of the themes that I’ve had in my life and this thought just hit me. My degree is in history and my personal area of interest there is watching the flow of ideas through time, to understand why we are where we are and how we got here. My professor told me this was termed historiography, though my research into that term would not agree.

I think what this statement is talking about is releasing karma, so that we can step forward with a clear breath and open heart. I have 3 examples from my own personal life, all of which with ties to various past lives.

  1. Family issues with religion. Both of my parents have pretty dark stories about how religion negatively impacted their family – from my mom’s grandmother referring to her and her brother as bastards because she refused to recognize her son’s marriage because it wasn’t done by her denomination to my dad’s grandmother forbidding that entire side of the family from attending my parent’s wedding because it wasn’t being done in the “right” church. Children are such adept sponges that they will absorb even these hidden issues, but I think considering what my soul is here to do I was far more sensitive to picking up on this. Around 13 or so, I became vehemently anti-Church. It was many years later that I started to wonder about my language. Why “Church”? Not religion, not Christianity, no. It was always against the Church. I started to wonder if it was a past life thing, and then my family’s history came out. Oooooh. It was a both thing. Working on my family karma will also work on my personal karma! Long story short, it took a lot of personal work and some painful exploration, but I worked through and let go of the family issues. Once this was released, when the stories about my past lives came out, guess what? The triggers had already been defused! That karma was released too.
  2. Issues with being female. I have always been very sensitive to what I perceived as a devaluing of the feminine. Of course, this has religious roots as well so keep that in mind. I had picked up a lot of my mother’s resentment against her family because she was the girl. As example, at her father’s funeral – and she gave up a LOT to support her parents and brother all through her life – she was there greeting people. Her brother? Didn’t even bother to come. What did people say – to her face? “Oh, I didn’t know they had a daughter.” Ouch. So yeah, I absorbed a lot of this rage and ran with it. I believed my dad was disappointed in my because his first born was a girl – turned out I learned this emotion came from my mom! When I learned this and asked why, she said it was because she had an older brother and she wanted that for her kids. But sensitive children pick up on EVERYTHING! Anyway, many years later, this feeling was boiling and I was raging against men in general. Finally some part of myself started listening to the language being used and thought “but I’ve never personally experienced any of this…” That got me thinking about my personal history, my cultural history, my gender history, and the moment I realized “heeeey, this anger isn’t mine” is the literally the moment I physically threw up and it all vanished. Very much like the scene in Serenity where River learns the fill and true history of the planet Miranda, immediately vomits, and looks up with wonder saying “I’m OK.” Yeah. That. After this, there were no more triggers around gender roles and expectations, about historical abuses on both sides, current situations, men’s rights, etc. Gone! And when past life issues started to be revealed which showed those issues in action … Nothing. That karma was fully released.
  3. We had a president sitting which caused some near violence reactions, By now I was pretty familiar with recognizing “this isn’t mine”. I was able to track down the source to a festering cultural wound which had gone unrecognized for generations. Working through it, I was able to release the triggers and view things objectively. Still ended not liking the guy, but I could clearly articulate specific reasons and was free from the “because!” loop of pointlessness.

By now, it’s pretty clear to me when I am dealing with personal issues, or inherited. And yes, from ‘past lives’ counts as inherited. Those past lives are not ME this ego, but another. Imagine if an author writes multiple books, each with a different main character, but the new main character had to occasionally face some of the stuff that previous characters could not let go of. Yeah, that pretty much sums up my take on things.

In addition to being able to recognize my own “not personal” issues to a reasonable degree, I have gotten reasonable at spotting when other’s are doing the same. And how boy is that rife in the world right now!!!

We are being a massive opportunity to face and release TONS of karma. Unfortunately, it’s super easy to forget what we are doing while in this heavy density, and instead of releasing … how many people are adding to it??

So if my soul mission is to help recognize and release karma, what else can I do to foster this?

I always think that the sit/meditate is right up there with wishful thinking. It’s not DOING something, and perhaps that’s the point. It’s not about DOING, it’s about BEING. Hrm.

Listening to Anne Tucker‘s message (she channels angels) and today’s message is about “you are the ones who will raise humanity”. She just made a comment which has me remembering that if ONE person sits down and starts to sort through all their personal karma – they ARE doing the work of raising us all. And if that ONE person can inspire another person, that’s TWO people doing the work.

I remember when I had a regression session and was visiting my WWI life. The guide asked if I was angry or upset that my life was cut short then, and I laughed. I said “There is nobody who came in at this time who was surprised that this happened.” I had another life in which I was executed during the French Revolution. I seem to like coming in during times of upheaval with the aim of trying to help humanity get through it with the highest vibration I’m capable of carrying. And now this life. *sigh*

My soul is one of those authors that likes to torture their characters, isn’t it?

Now for the second part – “time becomes one of the pieces of relationship that is now active, instead of it being a passive element”. I think this relates to what can be termed the thinning of the veil. When the past becomes the present, then it becomes a piece of the relationship which is no longer passive but instead becomes a part in which we have the capacity to start saying “YOU! You did this!” and “Oh shit! I can’t believe I did that….” If we can remember who are before this stage, that would be good.

I’ll have to think on that second line more. I don’t remember saying that. hah.
