Personal Growth, Spirituality

We don’t have a problem with homelessness…

I listen to all sorts of podcasts, YouTube channels, and books on the topic of personal growth, soul expression, spirituality, etc. Way back in college, I used to carry a notebook around with me, and anytime we had an inspiring conversation I’d jot down notes to be explored later. Well, it’s … many years later and I don’t carry a notebook anymore. I carry a phone with voice notes on it. I pause whatever I’m listening to, and record whatever thoughts the source material inspired or whatever I thought was strong enough I just had to flag it for future exploration.

It’s in that “future exploration” where I’ve badly fallen down. My phone has dozens of really awesome – imho – notes that are sitting there and, in all honestly, I haven’t benefited from the inspiration because I’ve done nothing with them. It’s through a journal style post that I explore my thinking, and maybe later change my mind. When I journal, I make headway on my spiritual journey because I think I’m making the boundary between the waking the mind and the deeper mind just a little bit more porous – so that different thinking becomes more easily accessible.

I think I’m going to try doing posts in the evening exploring some of these thoughts.

In looking at the world around us, which does indeed seem to being going crazy, I see two main types of Conscious emerging — Separation Consciousness and Unity Consciousness.

Separation Consciousness is the Fear part. Anyone subscribing to a Victim mindset is definitely living in Fear, making decisions based on Fear, and acting out of Fear. Fear, unfortunately, gives us permission to do some genuinely heinous things!! Anyone fear mongering, pointing fingers with language like “you’re a hater!” (it has to be impassioned though, remember Projections and the Hall of Mirrors!), trying to silence anyone who doesn’t support whatever their fear position is…. That’s all separation consciousness. It’s primary position is fear because humans are social creatures, and I think on a soul level we are never alone. But down, expressing in highly dense bodies, then it’s easy to feel alone. When we don’t feel connected, that feels very threatening. When humans feel threatened, that’s when our basest natures come out.

Dr. Zach Bush says that cancer cells are cells who feel as if they are the last cells in the body. They feel isolated because communication with anything outside themselves has stopped, for whatever reason. When this happens, the cell becomes cancerous — consumes everything around it in an effort to build more itself, and without that communication what it’s building is “off”. He describes that when communication is restored, the cancer cell will then recognize that it’s not alone and that it’s now harming the whole and so triggers its own destruction. Cancer is separation consciousness in action, but on a cellular level.

Unity Consciousness has no fear, but instead acts with Love. Not that fake love – “love us or die!” – but a genuine love which recognizes sometimes others aren’t ready … but we reach out a helping hand anyway.

As humans, it’s SUPER hard to always live in Unity Consciousness, or as Paul Selig puts in live “in the Upper Room.” But holding the awareness that humanity and the Earth are one, well. I find that really helps. In my best moments, I can look at those who are slavering in their fear and demands and recognize where they fit in the Whole, see the emotional issues they are taking up so that those issues can worked through, and then I can realize the value in that, in them, in their journey. Doesn’t mean I’ll stand by and let them slaughter people, but I’ll stop them because I love them.

Alright. So, with all that out of the way, here’s my voice note:

“Watching Dr. Zach Bush on (a YouTube) episode of Commune, where he just had this sledgehammer statement in which he said that he has made so many connections around the world that he knows he could couch surf for the rest of his life; that it would impossible for him to be homeless. And that statement was like GONG and then he went right there when he said ‘We don’t have a problem in our society with homelessness. What we have is a problem with relationships.’ brain explodes Oh my god, if we want to fix homelessness, fix connection and connectedness, and a sense of responsibility to our relationships.”

So with this understanding, homelessness is a symptom! It’s not “the problem” – it’s a symptom. One of many symptoms of the same problem, actually.

When people talk about ANY of our society’s ills, we talk about it as “someone like the government should do something”. Someone ELSE should fix it, and of course we think that means money. Because money can fix everything! (Lie) Money is all powerful! (Lie)

Now take a look at the homeless population. There are some which are down on their luck and need a hand up to put them back onto their path. Great! But that’s not the majority at this point. This isn’t the Great Depression, it’s something else. Drug use is a major aspect of today’s homeless populations, along with serious mental health issues. That was not the case in the Depression. With Dr Bush’s observation, I’m suddenly seeing homeless and the mental health crisis as very big Separation Consciousness outgrowths.

They’re families aren’t taking responsibility to help. Individuals in their community of origin and the wider society aren’t responsible either. We’ll push that up to the chain to “the Government”, because clearly they are wise and loving and will look out for our best interest. (If you are honestly thinking “yeah” to that, please think again.) But if Separation Conscious starts with the individuals, then the Government is as badly impacted by that notion as families, communities, and societies are. Because you don’t build health by trying to make the entire body better as a whole – you start with smaller things, so the cells, then organs, then systems are healed from the foundation up and THEN the whole can’t help but become better. Health is a bottom up thing, not a top down thing. I think this is pretty much how it works on every level. Find the smallest things, and start there. We can all do the smallest things, even if it’s pausing to really listen to someone when they need it. When someone feels heard, they feel some form of connection. Connection, instead of Separation.

I’m diving into soil regeneration right now, and let me tell you that modern farming practices are as Separation Consciousness as everything else. We are definitely the cancer cell which is hoovering up all the resources because we are afraid there won’t be enough for us. I’ve long thought Greed is a pathology, and now I see it is absolutely analogous to the cancer cell and is indeed a pathology. But back to the soil. Rebuild the microbiome, and magic starts to happen. Start with the smallest elements, and they affect everything else.

Now I’m starting to see just how pervasive Separation Consciousness truly is. It’s everywhere, and it’s what driving the chaos. The solution is embracing Unity Consciousness. Replace Fear with Love. Easier said that done, but … start small. Be the change, at every opportunity.

(Psst. – communism/socialism in practice is separation consciousness on crack. It’s passing the fear up the chain, abdicating all personal responsibility to some other power and then naively thinking this is going to do anything but make things worse – top down. Unity consciousness owns responsibility individually, rather than passing the buck, to create a better whole – bottom up.)
