Archetypes, Astrology, Random Musings

Labels, Community, Dehumanization, and Aquarius

I tend to view things symbolically, as I’ve mentioned here before. It’s one of the reasons that I’m so drawn to astrology – it’s a symbolic language which covers all aspects of the human experience.

Most everyone knows of the song “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”. It presents things in a very koom-ba-ya type of way, but Aquarius can get very dark. As we move into this new astrological age, it is very definitely going dark.

One of the hallmarks of Aquarius is the focus on Community. Another way of looking at this is the on the focus of Belonging to a group. Any group. Doesn’t matter. As long as you belong. I have Venus in Aquarius, and it’s in a difficult configuration with Moon and Saturn. Especially when I was younger, I very much sought community through joining things. I was particularly attraced to joining groups that made things – Venus loves beauty.

What do you think our cultural current obsession with Labels is? It’s Aquarius. As with most generation planets, the effects are most powerfully felt among the youth because they haven’t yet individuated into themselves. Group identity is all they know – first as part of the family unit, then moving into teen years seeking approval and belonging from a different family – their peer group. So Aquarius wants to belong. It has to. How else will it effect change?

And that is another aspect of Aquarius. Being the air sign, it’s all kinds of idealism and beliefs which have zero foundation in reality. Because of the world we have inherited, based on the unbelievable hard work and sacrifice of all the generations who have come before, we live in a world in which you can literally earn your way through life by thinking. No doing, no practical application required. Aquarius is Classically ruled by Saturn, which is the rules, boundaries, and limitations. If Capricorn sign which archetypally embraces Saturn with its focus on results etc, then Aquarius is the rejection of all those rules.

Ironically, consumerism is running rampant among those strongly influenced by this generational planet. Where some reject it, others are showcasing their flamboyant “lifestyle” in a desperate bid for attention and acceptance.

Acceptance. And we’re back to Aquarius. And, of course, human nature.

I mentioned once that the hyper-awareness of labels is a bid to build some form of community out of an otherwise sense of isolation. Those most embracing the label fad are those who are most alienated. Of course therapists live in a world of labels (Saturn), because it’s easy to classify someone. Dehumanize someone. They aren’t John Greer, they are the cancer patient. They aren’t Sue Adams, they are gender dysphoria type IXX.

I listen to some of the de-trans stories and they are beyond tragic. The common thread is that they thought taking the journey of trans would “fix them”, magically make them like themselves, feel comfortable with themselves. I will say that the journey to becoming “comfortable with yourself” is called Life. Most people don’t really, honestly reach genuinely comfortable with themselves until at LEAST mid 30s. That’s now, historically it was much younger because dealing with challenges matures a person. No challenges? No maturity, no perspective.

But how many of these de-trans stories could have been avoided if the person has simply been LISTENED to? Indeed, how many shootings could have been avoided if the person had felt HEARD? That’s all people really want.

And guess what? Feeling heard, feeling listened to? That leads to feeling connected to something, to someone.

But Aquarius is also about dehumanizing the individual. Indviduals do not matter in the face of Group. De-trans will attest to this. Any LGBT who doesn’t support the cult-like narrative can as well. Anyone who thinks “If you do not agree with me (are part of my group), then you are evil (outside my group)” is most definitely dehumanizing others.

When individuals are dehumanized, then they aren’t even human anymore. Labels do that. Now you are “White” or “Transphobe”, even those who slap labels on themselves. With a label on you, your humanity is gone. Your individuality is gone. Now you are part of theg group with this label. That labeled group has a blanket treatment.

We have several generations which are literally BEGGING for attention and acceptance from any quartner, having spent a childhood of not getting it. As teens, being vulnerable teens trying to figure out who they are and their place in the world, are turning to anything who can offer than acceptance and attention.

It was be interesting to see how the parents interact with these kids. Many of the kids have their physical needs met (Saturn) but their emotional needs are not part of the picture (also Saturn). Those kids who had their parents’ attention and deliberate interaction aren’t in the same boat at all. These kids feel a sense of connection; they know they belong. Labels aren’t needed.

Labels are only needed when you are looking for something. The focus should be on looking through what is being sought to asking why is THAT being pursued?

We’ve now reached a point where 50 years of Civil Rights progress is being undone. People are being judged and assigned expectations solely by skin color, and if you are gay or lesbian or even just different then you need to transition to fit the (archaic) gender stereotype (which is conversion therapy). Literally undoing ALL of the work.

Women are being erased because we’ve devalued Men so badly that they have no choice but to become “women” if they approval. Approval. Acceptance.

It all boils down to Separation Consciousness which is desperately looking for Unity.

So what do we do? I say that we listen. I can hear you without condoning bad behavior. Example: I can understand that you aren’t necessarily in control of who you are attracted to, but I will definitely say you are damn for in control of what you act on. Sexually pursuing children is unacceptable, I don’t care who you are.

I can be compassionate without throwing away my brain. Compassion is not the highest emotion we can aspire to. Sympathy, sure – but enablement? Crippling someone that we can “save” them? Is that really compassion? REALLY???

Above all, I think we can connect with ourselves in a genuine way, connecting with our higher self and become aware that what I do to you is done to me… Well. Can you imagine a world in which that is the prevailing story?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Because they ARE you. Do unto others because you are doing unto yourself.

And now I once again start to ramble. Alienated folks desperately look for connection and approval, from anywhere. Being alienated, they are vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Labels are a great way to build for yourself a pseudo identity without having to do the hard work of actually figuring out who you are – which is literally the journey of a lifetime.

If we take the lesson of Aquarius to heart, in it’s highest form, it’s about building community. Finding that which binds us together. Embrace that. Work from there.

I reject your labels.
