Emotional Intelligence, Hall of Mirrors, Random Musings, Spirituality

Why I can no longer vote for either party

I wanted to write this post 2 years ago. I did not. Now? It is time.

See, I live in a country which calls itself a 2-party system. That’s not set in stone or anything, that’s just the way it’s shaken out.

I’m a registered Independent. That means no single party has my allegiance, though even had I claimed one or the other I would still be free to vote as I deem appropriate. I’ve said elsewhere that my only real concern is which candidate supports individual empowerment the most. That has always been my concern, with the main other concern being to balance the scales. If I vote one way for the president, I vote the other for Congress. Why? If they are bickering children, then the only things that actually get through are those things which are agreed upon. Alright, that I can deal with. Bicker away!

But what I’ve seen in the last 20 years is a profound rot settling into both parties. One side has slid unequivocally into flat out communist territory. Hells to the no. Nothing is more dishonest and disempowering than communism, especially when it’s communists trying desperately to convince others they’re actually just benevolent socialists.

I always identified myself as more a liberal, but in the sense of “freedom” – you know, like the word means. Whatever has stolen the label of ‘liberal’ in the past decade and a half is anything BUT liberal. Permissive in the case of hurting children and excusing bad behavior that they endorse, but everyone else better sit down and shut up. Not liberals. At all.

As for the other party … wth? They can’t pull their head out of their ass long enough to do anything cohesive. A brain dead marketing person could do a better job. Apart from essentially being completely defanged, my interpretation of this is simple:

They are complicit. Not the rank and file. Not the you and me of the world. We’re the peons, and they are treating us as such. No, it’s those who’ve been around long enough to have been taught “how to play the game.” IE anyone who’s been voted in for more than 1 term. For someone who, again, is all about empowerment, this deliberate systematic disempowerment is a huge fat no go.

What I’ve witnessed is both parties sliding to the far extreme of the bell curve, leaving literally the majority of the voting population scratching their heads as to what is going on. Considering I’m fairly Average, and moderate, and prefer to see individuals empowered to express themselves honestly, authentically, true to their soul while being challenged to a higher ideal to own their real potential, the fact that the rhetoric for both parties has slid into the extreme minority on either end of the spectrum…

Yeah. That means both parties currently in existence today do not represent the majority of the people, and I for one refuse to vote for either. I cannot, in good conscience and in good faith, cast a vote for either party. If I do, I will be betraying myself, my values, my fellow humans who want to live good, decent, honest lives doing the best they can. If I do, I will be unable to look at myself in the mirror and I’ll need to spend about 3 hours in the shower scouring my skin off with a Brillo pad in a vain and futile attempt to pretend that I’m energetically clean. No. I can’t do it. I just can’t do it. Both parties at this point reek of the Dark, aiming to confuse, disempower, disenfranchise, enslave, kill off, and impoverish the majority of people – all “for the good of the planet”. *innocently bats eyes*

If you do not believe me about the parties failing to represent the majority? At most, a party represents 1/3 of the people.

% Democratic34.85%
% Republican31.66%
% Independent30.99%
% Other parties2.49%
https://ballotpedia.org/Partisan_affiliations_of_registered_voters – as of October 2022

When I drew this out on the bell curve graph, what immediately became clear to me is that we already do not have a 2 party system. We have 2 parties and a ghost party which has been convinced there are only 2 real choices. Assuming that all the millions of illegals aren’t smuggled mail-in voting ballots and told “fill this out by checking this box” when they have no idea what they are being asked, if all the Other folks and even a small fraction of the disgruntled members of both named parties walked away and decided to vote for something different… Instant new party.

The fact that the legacy media, those hundreds of stations and newspapers all owned by 6 corporations, all aligned with the toxic Agenda 21 publicly announced by the UN (which, to utterly paraphrase, will turn the world into a feudal style monarchy complete with serfs – you and me – and dedicated land that no one is allowed to use even in the event of famine), are going so rabidly against Trump has me taking a huge step back and a hard look at what’s going on. That is just … rabid. I don’t care what you think of the guy, that level of persecution and desperate attacks mean I’m looking really hard at those doing the attacking.

I’ve covered projection before. The number one indicator of projection in action is a strong emotional reaction, with the tactic of blaming others for doing what we ourselves are doing being a close second. CCP anyone? They do it chronically. When I hear people passionately pointing fingers, I know for a fact that the 3 fingers pointing back at the person doing the accusing is far more accurate than anything else.

In short, both parties are dead. They are vestigial echoes of a dying system which is desperately grappling at power in a vain attempt to stay alive. The question becomes: how many will recognize this for the upcoming voting season? How many will walk away and say “I’m voting for someone who upholds the ideals of honesty, integrity, a willingness to listen, and a desire to see everyone be their best selves.” The “my way or the highway” approach is toxic, short sighted, and disempowering. The fear mongering has gotten disgusting. I’m tired of it, and I’ll not support it anymore. The whole “don’t throw your vote away”… *looks up at the graph* Yeah. BS. Just desperately trying to convince me to do what they want. Nope.

This is an invitation. I bless those who are making it so screamingly obvious. Thank you for your willingness to take on the villain role in this life – that’s not easy and it has a heavy cost. I will ensure that your efforts to teach me where my power truly lies will indeed bear fruit, and I will thank you for the challenge while clearly saying No.

I’ll be casting my energy into putting a new government in place which espouses a more enlightened view. One which taps individuals to be more than thought they could be, which relies of interconnected communities working together to make this world a safer and more supportive place for all beings.

The existing parties are functionally dead. Let them go, just as we let go of the Whigs and the Tories during the 19th century. It’s time. Vote for Soul.

Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth, Spirituality

Woke is a perversion

This should be a fun one. I’m taking a class with RJ Spina and have the pleasure of working with 40+ other people similar to me in terms of our interest in self-mastery and the pursuit of spiritual growth. What makes this class so interesting to me is noticing the comments of those in the chat. It makes me realize just how different my mindset is. For example, today we had a brief aside about good and bad. RJ was talking about “good” and “bad” as being meaningless words, particularly when you are looking from the higher perspective. Absolutely true. This went on for a while and I finally posted that I tended to see things as either expansive (promoting evolution) or contractive (inhibiting evolution) while noting that both are necessary and have their place. He said this was a great answer. *blush* But to me, this type of thinking is now native. Judgements like good/bad are snapshots of a moment in time from a single perspective. Change the perspective and/or move the timeline, and the judgement is moot. Caroline Myss was the first to state this to me – judgement freezes something into position. The more I’ve sat with this, the more I agree – it’s removing it from the growth process and making it a static thing. It has Been Judged.

It was this discussion that had a thought pop into my head: Woke is a perversion. Now most folks will hear a judgement in that, but it’s not. It’s a description. The moment that description came into my head, the entire thing unraveled and I knew I had to write it down.

Ready for this?

Woke is a perversion. It’s so appealing and pulls people in because it’s wearing the robes of ‘enlightened’ or ‘awake’ thought, but it’s failing utterly to walk the talk. The very name, woke, is itself a perversion of Awakened.

This is the exact phrase that popped into my head. Let’s go through some elements and compare/contrast. Notice, this is not about bad/goodit’s about be aware, and make a conscious choice. After all, the brighter the light the deeper the shadow and without the contrast in this realm the ability to see the difference does not exist. The Woke movement is doing a fantastic job of being the darkness to call attention to light because it’s using the language of awareness. Considering that most people I am aware of who consider themselves Woke are inspired by a genuine desire to serve the highest potential of humanity, this is important. Letting people see the false to embrace the true for themselves is what I’m attempting putting my energy toward.

First up, let’s talk Diversity. DEI is the mantra, after all. For those who are paying attention to not only what is being learned about ecological health but also our own physical health, this state of health literally depends on many working together. IE, diversity. Listen to any permaculture lecture, and biodiversity is a foundational aspect. Listen to any modern farmer who is using genuine organic methods to grow food and it’s all about diversity – not only of plant and insect life but also of animal life. The single greatest contributor to restoring a depleted pasture is the COW – and it’s being horribly maligned with calls to exterminate them … for the good of the planet. *brain explodes* I’ll tell you what makes the cow ‘bad for the planet’ is modern chemical farming: We feed them corn to fatten them up, which they were not meant to digest, so their pissed off digestive system farts excessively. We cram them together in a tiny space so they are standing in mountains of excrement and require antibiotics to keep from getting sick in the short time they are in this hellscape. The resulting manure is so contaminated that it’s just more poison to be disposed of. There is nothing healthy, wholesome, or beneficial in this practice – it certainly isn’t honoring the spirit of one of our longest animal allies!! But in a holistic organic farming practice, where cows are rotation grazed on pastures – not only is their digestive system happy and so doesn’t fart any where NEAR as much methane, but their moving through the fields builds soil health in every metric used. Herds of millions of buffalo built a topsoil richness up to to 6ft deep in the midwest! (Most topsoil was measured in inches, not feet – for reference.) And don’t get me started on the BS of lab grown meat – grown from cancer cells, no less. What an insult to the natural world, to the planet! Diversity is about bringing in as much uniqueness as possible so allow for a whole and healthy system – this includes both predator and prey, expansive and contractive elements. Humanity is learning that the absence of specific gut microbes means that type of cancer, or that disease, etc. Like the world we live in, our bodies themselves require a diversity of microbes. We are even learning that some things we call ‘parasites’ are not – they only become parasites when the system is off balance. So I see Woke spouting off about Diversity, while demanding we kill all the cows and eat lab grown meat – spouting off about Diversity while telling anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with them to shut up – spouting off about Diversity while erecting rigid barriers and demanding that either these barriers be adhered to or you need to psychically torture yourself to adhere to the side they think you should be on – spouting off about Diversity while maligning and erasing anyone they don’t want to look at. And heaven forfend if anyone within the boundaries starts to disagree – immediate expulsion from the ranks. What about any of this is genuinely diverse? It’s a lie. A pretty buzzword with no follow through. When someone is genuinely Awake, at the very least, there is an understanding that different (diverse) modes of thinking are valuable. The genuinely Awake aren’t likely to consider themselves one side or the other, but recognize all sides have value and they themselves are willing to at least listen without denigrating or maligning others.

I’ve already talked about the E – Equity – and why that’s a lie as espoused in it’s current form. The genuinely Awake will recognize that it’s not our material stuff which gives us value, but rather what we do with what we have. Do you share? Do you help others attain what they need to thrive? What is the definition of ‘thrive’?

Let’s take a look at Inclusion. This is an interesting one, because – like Equity – it’s built on an old idea – Exclusion. In the case of Woke, Exclusion is the order of the day. The very focus on “the community” (take your pick as to which one that refers to) is in itself an exclusionary statement. It’s an us/them paradigm. The Awakened recognize there is only Us, that the divisions which seem apparent are actually illusions. Nationality, race, religion, sex, etc are all useful tools, and each afford unique perspectives and experiences…. heeeey, almost like genuine diversity is built right into Humanity itself. Fancy that. As above, so below. lol. And, as mentioned above in the Diversity section, there is a very strong need for the Woke to ensure that only those who are part of the cult are recognized – inherently excluding all others. How many people report that the moment they raise a critical thought, the backlash is immediate? Only the approved ideas are allowed to be included. That’s not genuine Inclusion, just as it wasn’t genuine Diversity.

Alright. So I covered those 3 tenets and why I think the Woke manifestation is a perversion of each. The biggest element of Woke is this desire to make humanity better, which I can totally be onboard with the desire to help humanity rise to their potential. But as has been stated by much better Thinkers than I, positive change is never created through negative means. In other words, you don’t get peace by hating war. I see the Woke movement hating everything, LOOKING for injustice and finding it everywhere. That seems to me to be the wrong approach from the foundation.

Judgement is the single biggest word I can think of to describe the Woke mentality in general. Intolerant is a part of that judgement approach, as is the smug self-righteousness that knows it has all the answers and doesn’t need to listen to anything else but itself. There is nothing Awakened in this. Indeed, it’s a complete perversion of what it means to be Awakened. Fortunately, Awakening can hit anyone – even the Woke. It’s not about being “wrong” – because I like the spirit that has so many thinking Woke is great (the desire to help). But Woke isn’t about helping, not really. It’s about control, and judgement is a key part of that.

My stepdaughter was considering what major she wanted to take in college. She said she was considering Social Justice, and we were like “what’s that?” This was like 2011 or so. She explained it and my jaw dropped. Nothing about what she described felt ‘good’ – felt expansive to the human condition. It felt contractive, dark, and hateful. She went on to say she received her first assignment, and said “the only thing I can find to protest…” We refused to pay for that degree. Her statement of “the only thing I CAN FIND to protest” told me that everything my emotional/energetic body was conveying to me was accurate. When there is genuine injustice, it jumps up and hits you in the face. You don’t have the go FIND it – although I 100% concede that sometimes injustice is to embedded that one must be willing to see it – usually by being willing to listen to others or by paying attention to how our energy responds to a situation (expands? contracts?). That perspective/knowledge has absolute value. But looking for it everywhere? In everything? All the time? Ofttimes, we see what we want to see – see what we expect to see. I always marveled at police, because they dealt with the worst element of humanity on a daily basis – they often get jaded and depressed, thinking all of humanity is like that. The same thing in my step-daughter’s case – here she was volunteering to train herself to look for and exaggerate the worst stuff she could find, and live there. Every day, all day. That’s not helping humanity. That’s lowering the vibration to live in separation, outrage, and anger. That shit will kill you. Being Poly Anna is likewise not helpful. The truly Awake can take in both the Dark and the Light, and this is important. They bring Light into the Darkness – how? By loving the Dark. Not reveling in the Dark, not excusing the Dark, not being permissive with the Dark. By recognizing “Darkness, you have served our journey by calling attention to this thing. It is no longer needed, and I will work to release you.” As I talked about in a recent post where I mentioned the child trafficking stuff. I will not end anything by hating it – I will love the other end of the spectrum.

Where your energy goes, that thing grows.

Hate (insert item of choice)? When you see it EVERYWHERE, and only ever see it, guess what’s getting your attention? Guess what’s growing? Where will that perspective go, where will it take me? If all I ever look at is the thing I hate, there is no positive vision for the future. There’s nothing better that I’m looking at – all I see is hate. It will consume me and as such I will not add positive energy to the trajectory of humanity. I hear some people in their righteousness and all I can think is “aren’t you tired??”

I will instead lend my energy to the positive vision for the end result – a world in which individual character matters more than our surface appearance, our contribution to the well-being and growth of those around us matters more than collecting stuff, where children can grow to adulthood in safety so they connect with who they were meant to be, and a world where humanity recognizes how we fit in with the natural world in which we live so we can compliment it best. A world in which humanity becomes the best steward possible – for itself, the planet, and all things we touch.

Earth, Hall of Mirrors, Random Musings

The problem with ‘equity’

“Change implies a residue of the past. I’m interested in transformation.”


I can’t remember who said this, unfortunately, but boy did it resonate with me like I was standing in the middle of a church bell at noon.

I have been thinking about why the concept of Equity bothers me so much. Initially it was highly triggering, but I worked through the trigger part to own that aspect of myself. Now, it still sits poorly with me but it’s not a violent type of poorly as it used to be. Then I heard the statement quoted above.

The very concept on equity revolves around the old idea that someone outside of ourselves should have the authority to take from some and give to others. As we can see in China and North Korea, that idea works like pure BS. But why? Because it’s built on old ideas. Moving from one whatever system into another whatever system without transforming the old is just changing. It’s jumping from tree to tree, thinking “now I’m in a different forest” when nothing could be further from the truth.

The very concept of equity is built on the scarcity model, which is an ancestral and cultural hangover from our desert nomad days. Culturally, those days were literally thousands of years ago. But those ideas are built into the belief system that we inherited. So deeply rooted that “we take these truths to be self evident.”

I remember learning about the Native Americans living nearby at the time the Spanish arrived. The native peoples were pretty relaxed about life, enjoying things and doing the work needed but no more. The focus wasn’t on “production”. The Spanish saw that and were horrified. After all, their version of God taught them that life was suffering and hard work. And here these people were doing neither … clearly they needed to be ‘saved.’ Egad. If anyone needed to be saved, it was the Spanish!

So we inherited these bizarre notions that life is:

  • suffering and hurt and pain
  • it’s every one for themselves
  • there’s not ‘enough’ for everyone
  • we are inherently evil and need to be controlled by some ‘benevolent’ governing body
  • we are alone — born alone (hahahaha!) and die alone

If you read any of these statements and felt yourself agreeing with them, these are some of the inherited ideas which need to be laid to rest – healed. Transformed. They are not in and of themselves, true. They are true because we BELIEVE them to be true. As I’ve worked through these ideas in this blog, we’ve learned from working with our subconscious mind that what we believe is what we act on. In other words, the world is what we believe it to be. This is what the statement “we create our own reality” means. If we collectively believe that there isn’t enough, that we need to horde and rob and lie and cheat in order to have enough to survive, then the actions we collectively take will mean this is what we experience.

But what if we collectively believed something different? What if we all believed that, at our core, humans were good and would want to choose to help others whenever possible? How would our world be different with just that single change? I’ll tell you – radically different.

The concept of equity is tied to the notions that (1) there’s not enough and that (2) because humans are innately selfish assholes, that the only possible way that we might choose to ensure there is enough for all is to give up all sovereignty, all personal responsibility, and (3) allow some other group to enforce this concept for us. As if that group isn’t ALSO ruled by the exact same beliefs??? Look at ANY country which has ever turned this concept into a way of governance. Those who govern take the best for themselves and those they are emotionally connected to, and sprinkle the pittance that’s left down the line for the next tier to scrabble over.

So we’d have jumped to another tree and thought “now we’re in a different forest.” Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. That would just be change. But nothing would have transformed! Same shit, different day.

I’ve talked before about homelessness being a problem of human connection. I think the disparity is also entirely a connection issue. How many of us know our neighbors? Do you know their names? What they do for a paycheck? Their hobbies? Interests? Kids and pets names? I know I do not. Because of this, I feel isolated. If the shit hit the fan, I’d have no one to rely on except my family which is scattered hither and yon. My plan this year is to change this. In late July or early August we’re hosting a small BBQ for my immediate neighbors. Free food brings people out, so I figure this is a good venue. We already host a 3 day open house at Christmas, and this year I’ll invite our neighbors.

Connections. I believe that there is enough, unless your idea of ‘enough’ is a mansion for each individual and 20 cars and … and … and … That’s all just stuff. What we NEED is nutritious food, clean water, reliable shelter, weather appropriate clothing, and connection not only to each other and the world we live in, but also to our own selves. That’s it. There is more than enough for this, unless greed is driving the ship.

Equity is a concept tied to old paradigms. Paradigms that are dying, though those in the ruling bodies have gotten super used to being able to take everything they want and leave the rest for everyone else to scrabble over. Nope.

We’ve learned some interesting things about the body in the last decade or so, and I think those discoveries reflect a profound change in how we can view the world. We’ve long thought that the brain was the Master Organ, the “one to rule them all.” What we’re learning is that no, it’s the communication hub. It receives and relays messages. Our digestive system, indeed the entire body, is highly dependent on billions of micro-organisms. If they are healthy, the whole system is healthy. Clear messages get sent. If the tiniest of these populations dies off or is sick, the entire system starts to wobble, become susceptible to larger issues. That is the perfect metaphor for how I’d love to see humanity as a whole organize itself. I think ultimately it will come to pass. These are the pivot times, and it won’t be easy. But in a few hundred years. Wow.

Archetypes, Emotions, Hall of Mirrors, History, Spirituality

Attempts to heal a cultural gender wound

I was listening to the last Pretty Intense podcast with Danica Patrick. The guest was Lindsey Meehleis who calls herself a spiritual midwife – a literal midwife with a spiritual focus. I do have to say, I am glad that I don’t have kids because after listening to her and being reminded of the true power of a woman, I would have been ANGRY if I’d had my kids in a hospital. But that’s not a concern for me at this point. Overall, it was a great episode and while her history is less than stellar she was more right than wrong. And the purge of women who had any ability to control or support reproduction began long before the ‘Malleus Maleficarum’ came out in 1486 – it was just another tool in the arsenal and it was bloody (pun intended) effective.

Anyhoooo… she said something that got me thinking along several different lines. She mentioned that she was aware that a lot of the newborns coming in are doing so without ties to the ancestral baggage. That’s great news, because we are currently imploding with ancestral baggage at the moment. “your ancestors were horrible to my ancestors; my ancestors were shit; my ancestors were gods among men” etc. My thought was that one of the oldest wounds we have is the gender one – our dysfunctional co-dependent relationship which is fraught with resentment, anger, betrayal, a quest for a power over rather than power with, and a push/pull love/hate dynamic which is tedious at best.

That’s when I had a new idea for the whole gender thing going on. I’ve talked about how forces (that would be our own humanity which likes to remain in control) are working to hijack the youngest who are carrying the most light so that they would have a very hard time being able to do anything other than misidentify their Self as their Body. I’ve also figured this focus on non-binary is literally a soul-self being able to recognize that the Self is neither/both, and that many trans are souls who’ve lived the majority of their life as X and are now Y but don’t like it. That’s great and signifies an ability to see through the Veil, but again it’s usually manifesting as mistaking of the Self with the body.

I do think that gender is a spectrum, like the spectrum of black and white. Sex is a binary, with a few outliers, but a binary. As humans, we are all both masculine and feminine to some degree or other – that’s the gender part.

See on the scale, there is no human anywhere who is 100% masculine energy or 100% feminine energy. Just doesn’t exist, because we have to contain the opposite polarity in order to have any level of cohesiveness. So somewhere between 99% and 1%, we each fall. Now, will I attempt to label the 44% I feel today or the 78% I feel tomorrow? No, that would be a colossal waste of my time and energy. Besides, if I made up a label to go with the 69% I was feeling at this moment, now I’ve just boxed myself in. Limited myself. As long as I’m wearing a label, moving fluidly from 31% to 85% isn’t going to happen. But then again, I don’t identity myself by my body. I am free to be whatever I feel like being in this moment. Thanks Boy George and Prince and Annie Lennox for giving me the freedom. I will not be throwing it away by using labels.

What I find interesting is the intense NEED to not only slap a label on themselves, but also demand that others not only acknowledge it but honor it. Truly interesting. It denotes a very weak sense of identity, one which is entirely external. If anyone called me whatever pronoun they thought most applicable, I don’t care. Why? I know who I am, and am self-referencing. My identity is how I see me, now how U see me. It’s I-dentity, not U-dentity. hehe. But then again, how do we learn who we are but first by learning to recognize ourselves in others?

But I grew up pre-social media. My identity formed free from the ravages of the need for likes and affirmation from others. My identify formed entirely internally. Now I grant you that I am an oddball because I never really fit in with my peer group, like ever. I thought most of my peers all during my teens were petty, short sighted, and needlessly drama-prone with some flashes of kindness, brilliance, and patience.

How much of the energy which is powering the trans thing is actually an attempt to heal that ancient gaping bleeding gender wound? I’ve thought that one of the greatest gifts that might possibly come from literally walking in the shoes of the opposite sex might just be an appreciation for their trials, problems, triumphs, strengths, and weaknesses. If those who transition – whether they detrans or not – bring with them a sense of “wow, we both have challenges and we are both trying hard to do the best that we can. I think I’m going to have more kindness toward my brothers and sisters” … that would be AMAZING!!!!! I have yet to hear a single trans person have this perspective, though I will admit it’s a bit early for this level of wisdom to settle in en masse. Personal wounds need to be healed first, of course.

Example: I hear women who’ve taken testosterone talk about the rage and feeling out of control aka the high. I’ve talked to my husband about this and he’s pretty much said “yup, that’s what it does”. Would those women now have more empathy for young men being flooded with this hormone? Would those women now begin to really appreciate the value of good men helping to guide young men into adulthood? And what about the men who’ve taken estrogen? The #1 complaint is “I have no sex drive” and every woman is like “uh-huh, and?” That’s normal, hate to break it to you. But after that is muscle atrophy to some degree, assuming he made it that far to know that men have literally 2ce the muscle mass of women. The best trans women I’ve encountered are all highly cognizant of and sympathetic to women feeling vulnerable, and would NEVER deliberately be such a bitch. Because they know, 100%, what’s it’s like. They empathize. Huzzah!

And that’s the gift I can see which might eventually come from this. The horrors, though. Oh man. Will the gifts outweigh the pain? I don’t know. It’s not my generation’s challenge to face, but I think I understand in some part the energy behind it. If there was no energy there, it wouldn’t gain traction so clearly there’s something going on at a spiritual level. I will hold compassion and pray for the highest good of us all on this one.

Emotional Intelligence, Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth

Zoom out and see from an outside perspective

I’m listening to RJ Spina and I have to say, dayyyyyum! If you are ready to hear true self mastery, look up his interviews on YouTube and various podcasts. There are lots of them. While I was listening to one of the interviews, I had a sort of download. I wanted to capture it while it was still so vivid.

Humanity is evolving, and it is the youngest of us who are carrying the most light. If anything is vested in keeping things as they are, this is the group of people that need to be subverted. There are several ways to subvert an individual’s light – always effective, no matter the age:

  • Cut off individuals from the power of Now (no suffering in the now, Ego has nothing to work with in the Now Moment) by ensuring an over-identification with the past (my/your ancestors…) or a fear of the future (climate change).
  • Over-identify with the body. Ensure that the concept of “who I am” remains in its smallest, more insignificant and temporal manifestation – the body being used in this life.
    • Double points if the ego can be convinced it knows better than the soul! Not particularly difficult, true, but still.
  • Ensure validation in the form of perceived acceptance and attention remains external to the self – the outside-in approach. Meaning all power remains outside of the core self.
  • Suck individuals into group think. Ensure that individual connections to Higher Self are cut off before they are even formed. By keeping people in cult-like group think, the connection will have a very hard time being formed and escape from group think challenging.
    • Constantly change the definitions so they are a moving goal post. Classic cult control mechanism to ensure group remains together and actively receiving the controls.
  • Deny the self any concept of personal power by promoting the Victim mindset. In fact, reward the crap out of victim mindset by heaping praise and attention, especially when the youth is in the key formative teen phase where identity beyond the family unit as an individual is attempting to be formed.
    • Create trauma and focus on this. Victim mindset will help ensure that the trauma is reinforced, emphasis on past and present will ensure that the trauma will remain alive and promote suffering, and these will ensure that the soul self will have a harder time transcending this.
    • Drugs really help cut off connection.
  • Promote the “resist” and “fight against” and “if you’re not with us you’re against us” sort of mindsets. These ensure all individuals are connected to the same system and can be controlled because they are indeed IN the system if they are in support of or actively resisting while all using the shared language.
    • Attack any institution which might promote some form of immunity to these control measures – such as religion and spirituality because faith gives individuals varying levels of personal power because they are plugged into a different type of system than cited above.

I’m looking at the actions of the greater TQ+ community as just one aspect of our collective psyche which is promoting all of this, aiming specifically at children. We collectively know that we are evolving. Our fear aspects are rising to do everything they can to prevent this, effectively wearing a mask of “love” and “tolerance” though the actions are anything but. Hating or being angry at this part of ourselves is unproductive and perpetuates the cycle. As a rock in the river sees the currents sweeping past it but is not actively taking part, I can see. These actions are pointing at exactly where our power truly lies. Handy. Like a giant waving red flag “here is where your power is and how it can be accessed” – even if the process underway is an attempt to cut off the power before it even starts.

I’m not going to get involved in debates and rights/wrongs. I do know that it is my honor, duty, and responsibility as an adult to ensure that children have the safety to grow up into themselves honestly. Subverting the process to deliberately wound a forming individual is a hard no. Training an entire generation into active woundology in order to prevent that generation from stepping into their honest power is a hard no. Promoting the powerless mindset of the victim in order to retain fear mind and control over others is a hard no.

Why would anyone ever think that something outside of our inner selves will tell us who we are?

My body is female, but it does not define me. Go through the list – my skin color is typical northern European, but it does not define me. My hair color is brown, but it does not define me. My blood type is O+, but it does not define me. Keep going. I wear clothes I bought from thrift stores and Macy’s, but that does not define me. I drive a 13 yo car, but that does not define me. And further. My ancestors were peasants and nobility, but they do not define me. My knees are damaged from athletics, but this does not define me. I could go on. Do the same for yourself. Any instance where you feel a ping as you try to say “does not define me” – maybe some part of you think it does? All these things certainly impact my existence here, but I determine who I am, what I’m interested in, what I pursue, what I love. Those are all internally driven things.

Nothing about any of these external things affects my internal reality. What they DO affect is how others see me. When I was not strong in myself, how others saw me was vitally important – because I couldn’t see myself. I think that’s part of the maturation process.

I have every faith that as our current generation matures, they will find themselves and a level of strength to stand in that Self which would be hard pressed to match. And they’ll have that strength because they ran a gauntlet and sat in the crucible itself. They will recognize, as many before them are doing, that by seeing others we can learn to see ourselves. We are One, and what happens to one of us happens to all of us.

The best way to help is to model the changes by actively choosing the higher path, the choice of expansion. Embrace your power, and have the courage to let others embrace their own true power. Honestly.

Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth

Anti-Hero and Inspirations

I’ve long admired Taylor Swift. Say what you want, she’s got serious talent and the focus and drive to do something great with it. That’s a rare combination and I not only strongly envy it (I’ll be honest!) but I adore it. Instead of indulging the envy to nurse a false sense of “I could have been somebody if only…!” and choose rather to use it as a source of inspiration. Hence these writings to explore various ideas and get my thoughts in some form of order.

I have to wonder how many of her detractors are just jealous. *sad sigh*

Listening to one of the new songs – Anti-Hero – from her most recent album on loop today, I’m trying to figure out why I like it so much. Sure it’s a catchy tune and the video is fun, but there’s something else that’s been niggling to get my attention.

It suddenly hit me. She’s one of the biggest voices for a large faction of her generation. Born in 1989, she’s pretty solidly a Millennial and up until very recently she’s exemplified many of the generational qualities. With this song, it sounds like something major has shifted for her emotionally. While there are a lot of brilliant lines in the song, this is the one I love the most:

Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism Like some kind of congressman?

Taylor Swift, “Anti-Hero”

My covert narcissism … which I disguise as altruism. Holy … crap. What a powerhouse line!!!! And not only because it’s incredibly insightful and is a seriously strong statement which I (hopefully) interpret as tremendous personal growth/self-reflection, but because she IS one of the voices of that entire generation. In her 30s now, she’s coming to face many truths that 20-somethings and under just aren’t privy to. Not because they are lacking, but because they aren’t there yet.

I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser

Taylor Swift, “Anti-Hero”

I know that in my 20s, the concerns I had which seemed to huge are now barely a blip on my radar. They are inconsequential, when at the time they were all-consuming. But with time comes maturity, not only because of choices we made starting to come home to roost but because experiences impact us and cause shifts in perspective. What you think today is not what you’ll think tomorrow, Spirit willing.

I’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror

Taylor Swift, “Anti-Hero”

What I’m most hopeful for is that this song indicates there’s a shift in the mindset of the generation. Boy can we do with a lot less narcissism!!! This idea of never looking in the mirror, I take that as a statement of self-reflection. While she talks about doing things which will definitely cause herself long-term damage (staring directly at the sun), it’s much easier to do that than it is to look at ourselves in a real way. The folks I’ve known with narcissistic tendencies have all been people who, when stripped of all the hype, were terrified that they didn’t really exist (no strong sense of self despite how they sound) and seemed to be afraid to look at anyone BUT themselves – as if doing this would mean they loose themselves. This is the shallowest form of looking in a mirror, because while we can see our surface selves the real stuff with genuine value lies beneath. It takes strength to look into ourselves in a real way.

I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day, I’ll watch as you’re leaving
‘Cause you got tired of my scheming
… And life will lose all its meaning

Taylor Swift, “Anti-Hero”

Especially after the last couple of years of isolation, I’m running into more people talking about real-world connections than I remember hearing about before. About building unity rather than division. I know I for one have joined a few social organizations with charitable workings in order to build in-person connections. That this song calls it out so baldly, again, gives me hope that this is not isolated but is instead a larger movement. I’m particularly hopefully that the younger folks who listen to Taylor might, maybe, possibly, be moved to think about things. If not consciously, then the seeds are planted.

Then there’s the chorus.

I’m the problem, it’s me

Taylor Swift, “Anti-Hero”

This is the moment of owning the self. Recognizing that everyone else is a reflection, and that if we have issues with others … the real issue is really ourselves. Until this moment right here happens for us in truth, we will have a hard time making real changes. Why? Because the true power of this statement is a moment of fully owning herself. Where the victim ends, and true empowerment can begin.

May that moment indeed be for all of us, and she is just giving us the words we need to frame it.

Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth, Spirituality

The Role of the Empath

I have multiple blogs, each focused on something different. This is my spirituality/personal growth “working” blog where I explore ideas and try to refine them into something workable. I’m one of those folks who is also very practical – if I can’t use something, not interested. In one of my works I made a comment that struck me and I wanted to explore it further.

I never really considered myself an empath before but in the course of writing I talked about my role as the empath of my family to work through inherited familial karma because my family weren’t yet able to do it themselves. I spoke of being at funerals crying for people I barely knew – but feeling the heavy and profound sorrow in the atmosphere was literally too big and deep for one person to handle, so I cried with and for them to help them express it down to a manageable level.

It’s been doing things like this that made me aware I am an empath, and my work on emotional intelligence means I know when the emotions that want to come through me are MINE or not.

Have you noticed that this time in our history seems to be unique? As if the world is going crazy? I was listening to an episode of Next Level Soul interviewing Dwayne Anka (Bashar). He summed it up beautifully, and he’s far from the only one saying this kind of thing. The summation: we as a people – a species – are getting ready to move into something new because the planet is moving into something new. In order to do that, we have to shed a lot of the darkness that we have accumulated over our collective thousands of years of history. No culture is innocent of travesty, no people are clean of injustice. Our challenge now is to purge the poison without becoming re-poisoned.

Why would we let this darkness go? Because part of this awakening includes seeing how we are One – that I have lived as the oppressed, the oppressor, the indifferent, the murdered, the murderer, the dutiful, the slacker, the shaman, the crazy… Because I can see that We are One, and when this is truly known it means that I would no more harm you than I would harm my own self.

As part of the shedding process, first it must come up to be seen.

To be recognized. Felt. Honored. Processed.

And released.

It’s the release part that seems to be hanging up a lot of folks. These old cultural/familial wounds which were not addressed due to reasons are now pouring out all over the place — an emotional toxic waste spill. I also see it being used to stoke old lines of division for political and dark ideological purposes. These old wounds being poked and picked at to renew the poison and spread infection.

We have a choice. Individually is where the power lies, and when enough individuals make a choice one direction or another then the whole begins to move. I’ve spent literally a life time working through multiple levels of karmic build-up, feeling the rage or the pain or the wounds, recognizing them as 100% valid and real … and then letting them go. As an empath, that’s my job. My role. My purpose for being here.

Confront the wounds, without becoming them or inflicting new ones. Feel the pain, the anger, the fear but keep it in perspective for it is not MINE.

I am a paranormal romance junkie, and one of my favorite series is Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling and Trinity Series which features regular humans, a psychic version of humans, and a version which can turn into various animals. The whole series revolves around the psy and their fear of their emotions and what they’ve done in an attempt to crush their emotions out of existence. The class of psy they had to crush first to accomplish that were the Empaths. The empaths begin to figure very prominently in the series, and they are the soul healers. Their psy gift is to take away pain/fear/confusion/etc from someone else into themselves, and then they process through it before releasing it. A marvelous series that I highly recommend because it’s actually extremely relevant right now! But her concept of empaths are right down the line, my own concept.

We have a great deal of empaths in the world right now, but many of them are overwhelmed, don’t understand their gift, are swept away by the emotions bombarding them, or get confused and think the emotions bombarding them ARE their emotions. The Alchemist (you’d think I listen to her a lot, but I actually don’t) has an excellent episode on the 2nd wave of Ascension in which she addresses this level of emotion very nicely. But I think it’s the light workers among us, especially the empaths, who have the heavy lifting — if we can recognize what is going on.

At this point, I’ve had a LOT of practice. If I’m sitting there and a wave of sorrow just wells up … I cry until I don’t need to anymore. Then I’m fine. It wasn’t my sorrow in the first place, why would I be affected by it? I’m just the pressure release valve, venting the extra pressure so the person who does own that emotion can actually manage it, hopefully effectively. I’ve felt rage come out of nowhere, and I’ve got enough practice that I know how to channel into something productive rather than going on a rampage. I actually enjoy when effervescent joy sweeps through me, but it’s less common.

A crowd is exhausting because the level of emotional onslaught can be quite trying. I’ve learned to shield a bit, recognizing “it’s not my emotion, let it pass until I’m ready to engage”, but some still leaks through. The empath part of me and the karma-releasing aspect is why I can see what is going on with groups and families and people. And while I can see it, it’s rarely a welcome thing to have pointed out.

So how can I get the message to my fellow empaths? We are not only needed, we are vital. Humanity needs us at this juncture to a nearly critical level, and the choices we make will literally set the capacity and pace for humanity’s ability to walk a path of Love. While I now understand why we have the Victim Mentality expressing in such abundance, I know that it’s also time to start processing the pain and letting it go. Karma is emotional energy that has not been let go within one lifetime. It’s the things we hold onto, the things we just can’t seem to let go of or forgive. I’ve worked through about … maybe 3 lifetimes worth of issues? plus some gender issues, some family issues, and some cultural issues. They started “easy”, the training-wheels-are-on version, and now they are getting harder. I see the issues I’m working through now and I’m having a much harder time, but I’ll get there. It’s what I’m literally built for in this lifetime. I’ll bet many of the empaths are, once they find their true strength.

I have no idea how to spread this message. So here is me tossing a pebble into the ocean and hoping the ripples will go around the world. Choose to acknowledge any pain and rage, honor it by recognizing it, then let it go. It doesn’t matter how old or how egregious the wrong. It’s not ours. Feel it, then let it go. Choose love. Act from love.

Every act, every thought, every word out of our mouths shapes the future. I choose love, to shape a better world, a bigger world, an expanded world, a world which can hold the higher vibrations trying to come through.

I am an empath, and it’s my job to help transmute the darkness that humanity has built up and stored within our collective psyche. I will not shirk this important task, nor shrink from the gravity of it. I am not alone, as you are not alone. Together, we make a difference.

Emotional Intelligence, Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth, Spirituality

Releasing Karma takes work and a willingness to let go

“My role is to reconcile the past with the present, so that we can step into the future without baggage. This is the beginning of 4th dimension in which time is not the deciding factor. It becomes one of the pieces of relationship that is now active, instead of it being a passive element.”

This is one of the oldest voice notes in my phone. At the time, I was working through some of the themes that I’ve had in my life and this thought just hit me. My degree is in history and my personal area of interest there is watching the flow of ideas through time, to understand why we are where we are and how we got here. My professor told me this was termed historiography, though my research into that term would not agree.

I think what this statement is talking about is releasing karma, so that we can step forward with a clear breath and open heart. I have 3 examples from my own personal life, all of which with ties to various past lives.

  1. Family issues with religion. Both of my parents have pretty dark stories about how religion negatively impacted their family – from my mom’s grandmother referring to her and her brother as bastards because she refused to recognize her son’s marriage because it wasn’t done by her denomination to my dad’s grandmother forbidding that entire side of the family from attending my parent’s wedding because it wasn’t being done in the “right” church. Children are such adept sponges that they will absorb even these hidden issues, but I think considering what my soul is here to do I was far more sensitive to picking up on this. Around 13 or so, I became vehemently anti-Church. It was many years later that I started to wonder about my language. Why “Church”? Not religion, not Christianity, no. It was always against the Church. I started to wonder if it was a past life thing, and then my family’s history came out. Oooooh. It was a both thing. Working on my family karma will also work on my personal karma! Long story short, it took a lot of personal work and some painful exploration, but I worked through and let go of the family issues. Once this was released, when the stories about my past lives came out, guess what? The triggers had already been defused! That karma was released too.
  2. Issues with being female. I have always been very sensitive to what I perceived as a devaluing of the feminine. Of course, this has religious roots as well so keep that in mind. I had picked up a lot of my mother’s resentment against her family because she was the girl. As example, at her father’s funeral – and she gave up a LOT to support her parents and brother all through her life – she was there greeting people. Her brother? Didn’t even bother to come. What did people say – to her face? “Oh, I didn’t know they had a daughter.” Ouch. So yeah, I absorbed a lot of this rage and ran with it. I believed my dad was disappointed in my because his first born was a girl – turned out I learned this emotion came from my mom! When I learned this and asked why, she said it was because she had an older brother and she wanted that for her kids. But sensitive children pick up on EVERYTHING! Anyway, many years later, this feeling was boiling and I was raging against men in general. Finally some part of myself started listening to the language being used and thought “but I’ve never personally experienced any of this…” That got me thinking about my personal history, my cultural history, my gender history, and the moment I realized “heeeey, this anger isn’t mine” is the literally the moment I physically threw up and it all vanished. Very much like the scene in Serenity where River learns the fill and true history of the planet Miranda, immediately vomits, and looks up with wonder saying “I’m OK.” Yeah. That. After this, there were no more triggers around gender roles and expectations, about historical abuses on both sides, current situations, men’s rights, etc. Gone! And when past life issues started to be revealed which showed those issues in action … Nothing. That karma was fully released.
  3. We had a president sitting which caused some near violence reactions, By now I was pretty familiar with recognizing “this isn’t mine”. I was able to track down the source to a festering cultural wound which had gone unrecognized for generations. Working through it, I was able to release the triggers and view things objectively. Still ended not liking the guy, but I could clearly articulate specific reasons and was free from the “because!” loop of pointlessness.

By now, it’s pretty clear to me when I am dealing with personal issues, or inherited. And yes, from ‘past lives’ counts as inherited. Those past lives are not ME this ego, but another. Imagine if an author writes multiple books, each with a different main character, but the new main character had to occasionally face some of the stuff that previous characters could not let go of. Yeah, that pretty much sums up my take on things.

In addition to being able to recognize my own “not personal” issues to a reasonable degree, I have gotten reasonable at spotting when other’s are doing the same. And how boy is that rife in the world right now!!!

We are being a massive opportunity to face and release TONS of karma. Unfortunately, it’s super easy to forget what we are doing while in this heavy density, and instead of releasing … how many people are adding to it??

So if my soul mission is to help recognize and release karma, what else can I do to foster this?

I always think that the sit/meditate is right up there with wishful thinking. It’s not DOING something, and perhaps that’s the point. It’s not about DOING, it’s about BEING. Hrm.

Listening to Anne Tucker‘s message (she channels angels) and today’s message is about “you are the ones who will raise humanity”. She just made a comment which has me remembering that if ONE person sits down and starts to sort through all their personal karma – they ARE doing the work of raising us all. And if that ONE person can inspire another person, that’s TWO people doing the work.

I remember when I had a regression session and was visiting my WWI life. The guide asked if I was angry or upset that my life was cut short then, and I laughed. I said “There is nobody who came in at this time who was surprised that this happened.” I had another life in which I was executed during the French Revolution. I seem to like coming in during times of upheaval with the aim of trying to help humanity get through it with the highest vibration I’m capable of carrying. And now this life. *sigh*

My soul is one of those authors that likes to torture their characters, isn’t it?

Now for the second part – “time becomes one of the pieces of relationship that is now active, instead of it being a passive element”. I think this relates to what can be termed the thinning of the veil. When the past becomes the present, then it becomes a piece of the relationship which is no longer passive but instead becomes a part in which we have the capacity to start saying “YOU! You did this!” and “Oh shit! I can’t believe I did that….” If we can remember who are before this stage, that would be good.

I’ll have to think on that second line more. I don’t remember saying that. hah.

Archetypes, Hall of Mirrors, Spirituality

Communism/Socialism is Unenlightened

There is no difference between these two. Because socialism is the buzzword being used, I’ll use it most often but these ideas result in the same condition — a military dictatorship and authoritarian regime of the ugliest kind. Anyone who argues with that needs, to hear the words of Lenin:

“The goal of socialism is communism”

Vladimir Lenin

There’s a lot of talk about the various types of economic models, particularly capitalism, communism, and socialism. Among the hippies and ‘progressives’, socialism/communism is the best model. It’s all very Utopian and has beautiful promises with a horrific underbelly. Of course, it’s the beautiful promises that are talked about and glorified, and completely ignored is the the extremely high body count needed to implement and maintain communism as a form of government and economic model. At our current level of consciousness, I find it a very promising sign that so many people are aiming at a better world for all (means we have collectively chosen to serve the light!) but we do not yet have the awareness of our spiritual truth to really hold the promise into fruition. Instead, the good intentions of millions are being used the bad among us to pave a path to hell using bones and blood and broken dreams. Let me go into detail here.

Requires Disempowerment

Communism is a form of government which demands that every individual under their control abdicate (give up) all personal power. In fact, personal sovereignty is thrown into the trash can. Another way to say this is that the governing body requires that everyone be in their disempowered state – accepting of whatever the governing body decides is ‘best for them’. This right here is the biggest reason why it will never work – especially for a species which is trying find our way to owning our light – and why it is completely unenlightened. When personal responsibility is handed over to another body, we are giving away our power to do anything, literally. We are giving away our responsibility not only to and for ourselves but also everyone around us. The moment we do that is the moment we can wash our hands of the result. We would also live completely in Separation Consciousness – after all I am no longer responsible for your outcome. I outsourced that personal responsibility to someone else. I can shake my head, but I don’t have to actually do anything.

Enlightened individuals would never do that. Why? Primarily, the truly Enlightened know to the core of their Being the truth that we are all One. Knowing this in truth means I can never abdicate my responsibility. Never give away my power to do all I can to help Us.

“You must look to yourselves instead of looking to others, and become One.”

Metatron: This is the Clarion Call by R. Mackenzie.

Disempowered means Victim

When an entire culture has given away their power, they fall into being the victim. A victim is first off completely without responsibility for their situation They are the VICTIM, after all. And how dare anyone blame the victim! The victim blames others, demands others take responsibility. How easy is it to say “the government needs to solve all these problems!” Either because I refuse to acknowledge that I have any power or responsibility to work on some of these, or because it’s not seen as ‘my problem’ and therefore someone else needs to own it. As we all know, power given away is very hard to take back. Giving power to somebody outside of the self is pretty much the definition of disempowerment, and refusal to accept responsibility for the situation while demanding someone else take the blame is the definition of victim.

“Blame is the creed of the disempowered.”

Steve Mirabolic

No Control means Slavery

Oooh. I went there. That’s a deeply charged word right now, but slavery was a very human thing that has been with us since pretty much the instant that one human realized they could take all power away from another and make them do things. What does it mean to be a slave? It means that we are not free to choose for ourselves. We are not able to take responsibility for our life, because someone else is making those choices. What we are is utterly disempowered so that we have been convinced we are weak and either unworthy of having our sovereignty honored or we are too weak to enforce our sovereignty. We allow it to happen if we believe we deserve it.

Unworthy comes in many forms, but the modern manifestation is twofold. Demanding someone else accept responsibility, and demanding that someone else believe that they are horrible people just by being. The second one especially is ugly and definitely doesn’t even look in the direction of Enlightened.

“I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.”

Frederick Douglass (if you don’t know who this is, learn!! He’s impressive!!!)

Equality in Slavery

Yeonmi Park is an amazing and courageous young woman – an escapee from South Korea. She has faced the depths of human depravity, and also seen the potential we have for greatness. She tells the story of how North Korea became one giant slave state where 26 million people live in constant terror and deprivation to serve the pleasure of one man. It’s hair raising because the exact same language used then is being used again – right now. The promise of equality had pictures of the lowest peoples being raised to be equals with the highest. Lies. The people gave up their land and their personal responsibility and in return, they were stripped of everything and turned into a giant slave state that calls itself a Socialist Democracy. “Whaaaat?! They are lying??” Instead of being raised up, everyone was shoved into the dirt.

The people of Venezuela tell an eerily similar story – at least those refugees who are flooding into the US. They were lied to, tricked, and enslaved so that the insatiable greed of elitists could be satisfied. But greed is never satisfied. It’s a black hole of the ego. And those who are pushing the call of “equality” through communism / socialism are those same elitists – though the average person is largely ignorant of this. Hey it’s worked before. It’s the formula!

“There is in fact a manly and legitimate passion for equality that spurs all men to wish to be strong and esteemed. This passion tends to elevate the lesser to the rank of the greater. But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

You will own nothing” – notWE will own nothing…”

They are telling us to our faces exactly what our fates will be if we agree to this.

“But universal wage!” In Venezuela, I’ve been told that is $6 a day. Wow. People are roaming the streets looking to kill rats and cats to have something to eat. Sound wonderful to you? I hope not. This also means that I would be an economic slave, unable to break out even if I wanted to. Take a look at the cycle of poverty and how hard that is to escape – and that’s not being enforced by people we abdicated our power to.

“But guaranteed housing!” Do you imagine a McMansion or a luxury condo? That’s for the corrupt elites who help support the regime. The regular people like you and me will be in hovels, serving our master’s pleasure – if we’re lucky. Complain too loudly? You disappear.

“But equality!” Everybody being a slave sounds like equality? Everybody equally impoverished, abused, and treated like trash sounds like an improvement?? Is that REALLY what is imagined when that mantra is used?

Equality of outcomes means you have no choice, no power, no ability to affect your situation. It’s the most nightmare statement I can think of. Equality of outcomes can be rephrased to “you’ll take what we decide to give you, and be happy … or else”.  Does that sound enlightened?

Always remember – no government can give us something they didn’t take from someone else first.

“The theory of Communism can be summed up on one sentence: Abolish all private property”

Karl Marx

Government is your God – there can be no other God before that

Faith is the enemy of communism / socialism. Why? Because it gives hope, but more threatening is that it provides the possibility that there is a greater power out there than the ruling body. Well, that can’t be allowed! There can be NO authority higher than the ruling body, the masters.

Now I’m no fan of organized religion, but I recognize it has the potential to do good and it does. It also has the potential to be abused – and it is. If you so hate religion that you’d rather see all forms of it destroyed, what is it being replaced with? Has the name of the religion merely changed? After all, there is no more aggressive form of organized religion that communism. It holds all the authority, and is too greedy to consider sharing.

 I’m much more about a personal relationship with whatever idea of divinity there is, and that divinity is not any form of human controlled government. And that’s what authoritarian dictatorships are the most terrified of – take a look at the extreme reaction that the CCP had the very spiritual practice of Falun Gong! Can you imagine the authoritarian reaction to “we are One, what happens to one happens to all, and I am responsible for my actions and how they impact the One All”? I’d be disappeared so fast!! Especially since I’m working to hold the light so others can realize their own lights.

“The only interesting thing about religion is how many people it’s slaughtered. Communism and Nazism [aka socialism] are religions as well, make no mistake about it.”

Lemmy Kilmister

Socialism / Communism Pretends to be about Love and Human Betterment – Pretends to hold the Moral High Ground

It’s a failed experiment – it’s so last century. Just as capitalism is a failed experiment, so too is communism / socialism. Indeed, it seems that capitalism when followed to the extreme end becomes communism since this madness is being pushed by the handful of monetary elitists who want ever more. That means kill anyone who opposes it (over 100 MILLION people were straight up murdered in the 20th century because of this, Hitler having one of the smallest body counts) and it means stomping on everyone else to the point where we are broken and too tired to resist. If we resist, we are Bad People – insert terms like ‘racist’, ‘supremacist’, ‘x-phobe’, etc.  Those are bully tactics aimed at controlling behavior. Thug life! Is that the energy of a truly enlightened perspective?

Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding. Look at the many socialist and communist governments and throughout the short history that these ideas were proposed and see what they are like for the average person. Most of us will be the average person. Is that the life we want to have? I say heck no. Saying that all other attempts to implement this approach was corrupted but that won’t happen with us, well, that’s dangerously naive.

“Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.”

Mao Zedong

That could never happen HERE… I’m too clever to fall for anything like that…

“Knowledge can never imprison you, but you can be captive to your ignorance.”

A.E. Samaan

Of course those believers in the US and Europe and Canada now have not been fooled. Not been lied to, misled. Programmed. That could never be! They are far too clever to fall for pretty lies and false dreams. They know for a fact that as soon as those pesky right-wingers are defeated, they will rise to glorious power and all of their visions of a Better World will come to fruition and they will be in charge of it.

But history says otherwise. The idealists who fought with Lenin? Executed. Those idealists who fought with Mao? Executed. Those idealists who fought with Kim Il-Sung? Executed. Pretty sure that was the fate of the idealists in Venezuela as well.

Does that sound like an enlightened movement? I hope not.

“[T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. […] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.

Yuri Bezmenov (Soviet journalist and KGB informant prior to defecting)

In Conclusion, We do not yet have the consciousness to hold a true non-centralized collective cooperative

The Consciousness of humanity is rising. As a history buff, I can point to the growth of it over the last 4 centuries – but it has been a long, slow process. We are not yet expanded enough to hold a collective cooperative type of organization, especially at a large scale, which does not follow a centrist model. We just don’t have the framework yet. That said, in 2012 the expansion process got one heck of a boost! And the world is unraveling. All of the old systems are falling apart, and one of those is communism / socialism right along with capitalism. They are all systems which emphasize the wrong things. Right now, there is no new language to describe the ideal state that we’d like to strive for. Utopia doesn’t touch it because … ew. Where life is perfect and we never have to worry or strive for something? Have you not noticed that when humans do NOT have some form of struggle that we make shit up? As I’ve heard it said, “we eat our own heads”. A world like that would be miserable and everyone would be so depressed, just making the motions of going through life. Equilibrium is a perfect movie showing this potential.

“No one should suffer from the great delusion that any form of communism or socialism which promotes the dictatorship of the few instead of the initiative of the millions can produce a happier or more prosperous society.”

Charles E. Wilson

I heard one fellow describing his Degrowth model, and I gotta say, I really liked it – took me a while to hear that it was something other than communism repackaged though. The foundational premise? Leverage the millions (billions) to shift the value system which gives energy to the growth-at-all-costs mindset and has gotten us into this mess into something else – something in which we have enough, voluntarily. Rather than abdicating our personal power and responsibility to ourselves and our communities to some remote group of Elites who are ego black holes of greed, instead take the spiritually evolved path and own both our power and our responsibility so that we can each make this world into the beautiful and thriving place it was always meant to be.

A centralized government which holds the power while the individuals under their boots are weak and passive will never work. It will never deliver on the beautiful promises and seductive lies. It is morally bankrupt, feeds all the darkest elements of humanity such as separation consciousness, violence, greed, corruption, and selfishness. It relies on average people believing they are less than. How is that enlightened? It is not.

“No centralized government, no matter how big, how smart or how powerful, can effectively and efficiently control much of society in a beneficial way. On the contrary, big governments are inherently inefficient and harmful.”

Charles Koch

We are One and the Rising Consciousness

We are One. This is a spiritual Truth that is gaining traction – though I really hope it doesn’t take a century or two to really proliferate! I do not hate those who are other manifestations of me. The most devout Progressive, is me – and you. The most devout Conservative, is me – and you. The centrist shaking their head at them both is also me – and you. I cannot shake someone out of a position of hate or greed or separation consciousness by using their tools of hate, anger, violence, and separation. I only do it by using love, sincerity, curiosity, and hopefully leading them into their own illogic via questions and active engagement.

I recognize that a centralized power leveraging a beautiful dream for dark ends can only do so because that dream is there in the first place. As I’ve said above, I find this extremely inspiring. It tells me that we have chosen, though we are still operating under the illusion of separation. We have chosen to embrace the path of service to others, the path of light, but we have the remnants of thousands of years of inertia and cultural programing to slough off first. That’s not an easy process!! It will take us a few generations, at a minimum, but it’s underway. And while those who serve the path of darkness (how dramatic sounding!) are trying to circumvent things, I do not believe they can. They can delay it, but not stop it. The choice has been made.

“The twentieth century will have taught us that no doctrine in itself is necessarily a liberating force: all of them may be perverted or take a wrong turning; all have blood on their hands – communism, liberalism, nationalism, each of the great religions, and even secularism. Nobody has a monopoly on humane values.”

Amin Maalouf

Wave, power in nature, Bahamas is a photograph by Bruce Beck which was uploaded on December 16th, 2016
Emotional Intelligence, Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth

Self-Sabotage in Action

I signed up for a new metaphysics class. Been a long time and I’m listening to the 2 Seth audio books I have so figured it’d be a good way to re-enforce what I’m learning.

First class is my usual silently observe. Second class, I offered my take on the subject. And the next person immediately dismisses my take as invalid. What interested me are the kaleidoscope of emotions that swirled through me, with the majority of them waffling between dismissive indignation and angry attempts to justify my interpretation.

I said no more in class but did try to put my emotions to the side so that I could continue to get value out of the experience.

Afterwards, later that night, I’m listening to a YouTube playlist on astrology. While I’ve studied the subject off and on for nearly 30 years, and I’m pretty good with personality interpretations, I don’t know a lot of the technical stuff like Joys and Exalted positions, etc. Anyway, the first video in the list is an introduction. I catch myself being super critical – needlessly so.

And I think back to the earlier class experience. Now I’m working through class material on a professional development subject and noticing certain emotions come up. Emotions that are not supporting the goal of taking the class or webinar or reading.

That sense of dismissive indignation – to greater or lesser degrees – is coming up over and over.

Seth said (paraphrasing) that our emotions follow our beliefs. If you ever want to find out what you really believe in, then start paying attention to your emotions.

Ok. I’m looking at these emotional reactions and then recalling other instances where similar reactions occurred. The defensiveness is clear to me, thinking I want to be worthy of knowledge gained but not sure I really am. Defensiveness or even belligerence is a good distraction to get people (including myself) to not see the insecurity being covered. But there’s also, in some cases, an inflated sense of importance or … specialness? … that isn’t particularly warranted and yet still feels slighted for not being recognized.

So it seems there are dueling ideas – “I’m not worthy but please don’t notice that” juxtaposed over “I’m all that and a bag of chips; how dare you not see it.” What the heck am I supposed to do with this?? On a conscious level I see both positions as being untrue, yet a caricature level of exaggerated in both cases (maybe the better for me to finally see it?). Indeed together they seem to actively hinder my progress. Keeping me at a 2-bit amateur level in most things while imagining or telling myself that I’m better than in-truth I am.


Maybe that’s their function? Like the person who says “I could have written that Great American Novel” and is angry that life somehow cheated them out of it … and yet they never even once put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Much easier to blame others for not recognizing our genius than it is to EITHER really own our personal failure to live up to potentials OR put in the effort and thus risk that it all comes to naught … or doesn’t.

I remember once upon a time when I started to really study the Tarot. In depth and focused. When I started dreaming the cards coming to life and explaining their symbolism to me, I quit. Got conveniently distracted by something else.

I’m not afraid to fail. I fail all the time. That’s no biggie. Maybe I’m afraid to succeed. Maybe I’m afraid that if with increased profiency, then real responsibility will be expected of me, and that’s where the real consequences of failure are located.

There’s a movie and I wish to heaven I could remember the name of it. I know it dealt with sports and with ghetto kids trying to make better for themselves. At the climax of the movie, one of the kids finally admits that’s he not afraid of his weakness. He’s afraid of his power.

That line is coming to mind right now. I’m not afraid of my weakness, because I’m used to that. And by using these competing concepts of not-worthy/better-than to push away from things or distract myself with the next oh-shiny as soon as I start to get traction on something, I’m effectively ensuring that I never have to confront my own power.

Pardon me while I reel around a bit on this one.

About this image: I did a search for “power in nature” and I chose this image for the background of my quote. In my personal lexicon, water can mean emotions or allude to the Higher Self or represent the subconscious mind. That this wave is spectacularly crashing into the rock (material world) just really struck home. I added a modified form of a quote from Marianne Williamson. The photograph is entitled Wave, power in nature, Bahamas by Bruce Beck. If you like it, it’s available on any number of awesome things through FineArtAmerica.com
