Emotional Intelligence, Hall of Mirrors, Personal Growth

Zoom out and see from an outside perspective

I’m listening to RJ Spina and I have to say, dayyyyyum! If you are ready to hear true self mastery, look up his interviews on YouTube and various podcasts. There are lots of them. While I was listening to one of the interviews, I had a sort of download. I wanted to capture it while it was still so vivid.

Humanity is evolving, and it is the youngest of us who are carrying the most light. If anything is vested in keeping things as they are, this is the group of people that need to be subverted. There are several ways to subvert an individual’s light – always effective, no matter the age:

  • Cut off individuals from the power of Now (no suffering in the now, Ego has nothing to work with in the Now Moment) by ensuring an over-identification with the past (my/your ancestors…) or a fear of the future (climate change).
  • Over-identify with the body. Ensure that the concept of “who I am” remains in its smallest, more insignificant and temporal manifestation – the body being used in this life.
    • Double points if the ego can be convinced it knows better than the soul! Not particularly difficult, true, but still.
  • Ensure validation in the form of perceived acceptance and attention remains external to the self – the outside-in approach. Meaning all power remains outside of the core self.
  • Suck individuals into group think. Ensure that individual connections to Higher Self are cut off before they are even formed. By keeping people in cult-like group think, the connection will have a very hard time being formed and escape from group think challenging.
    • Constantly change the definitions so they are a moving goal post. Classic cult control mechanism to ensure group remains together and actively receiving the controls.
  • Deny the self any concept of personal power by promoting the Victim mindset. In fact, reward the crap out of victim mindset by heaping praise and attention, especially when the youth is in the key formative teen phase where identity beyond the family unit as an individual is attempting to be formed.
    • Create trauma and focus on this. Victim mindset will help ensure that the trauma is reinforced, emphasis on past and present will ensure that the trauma will remain alive and promote suffering, and these will ensure that the soul self will have a harder time transcending this.
    • Drugs really help cut off connection.
  • Promote the “resist” and “fight against” and “if you’re not with us you’re against us” sort of mindsets. These ensure all individuals are connected to the same system and can be controlled because they are indeed IN the system if they are in support of or actively resisting while all using the shared language.
    • Attack any institution which might promote some form of immunity to these control measures – such as religion and spirituality because faith gives individuals varying levels of personal power because they are plugged into a different type of system than cited above.

I’m looking at the actions of the greater TQ+ community as just one aspect of our collective psyche which is promoting all of this, aiming specifically at children. We collectively know that we are evolving. Our fear aspects are rising to do everything they can to prevent this, effectively wearing a mask of “love” and “tolerance” though the actions are anything but. Hating or being angry at this part of ourselves is unproductive and perpetuates the cycle. As a rock in the river sees the currents sweeping past it but is not actively taking part, I can see. These actions are pointing at exactly where our power truly lies. Handy. Like a giant waving red flag “here is where your power is and how it can be accessed” – even if the process underway is an attempt to cut off the power before it even starts.

I’m not going to get involved in debates and rights/wrongs. I do know that it is my honor, duty, and responsibility as an adult to ensure that children have the safety to grow up into themselves honestly. Subverting the process to deliberately wound a forming individual is a hard no. Training an entire generation into active woundology in order to prevent that generation from stepping into their honest power is a hard no. Promoting the powerless mindset of the victim in order to retain fear mind and control over others is a hard no.

Why would anyone ever think that something outside of our inner selves will tell us who we are?

My body is female, but it does not define me. Go through the list – my skin color is typical northern European, but it does not define me. My hair color is brown, but it does not define me. My blood type is O+, but it does not define me. Keep going. I wear clothes I bought from thrift stores and Macy’s, but that does not define me. I drive a 13 yo car, but that does not define me. And further. My ancestors were peasants and nobility, but they do not define me. My knees are damaged from athletics, but this does not define me. I could go on. Do the same for yourself. Any instance where you feel a ping as you try to say “does not define me” – maybe some part of you think it does? All these things certainly impact my existence here, but I determine who I am, what I’m interested in, what I pursue, what I love. Those are all internally driven things.

Nothing about any of these external things affects my internal reality. What they DO affect is how others see me. When I was not strong in myself, how others saw me was vitally important – because I couldn’t see myself. I think that’s part of the maturation process.

I have every faith that as our current generation matures, they will find themselves and a level of strength to stand in that Self which would be hard pressed to match. And they’ll have that strength because they ran a gauntlet and sat in the crucible itself. They will recognize, as many before them are doing, that by seeing others we can learn to see ourselves. We are One, and what happens to one of us happens to all of us.

The best way to help is to model the changes by actively choosing the higher path, the choice of expansion. Embrace your power, and have the courage to let others embrace their own true power. Honestly.
