Emotional Intelligence, Personal Growth, Spirituality

Unknotting the Khipu – a story and a QHHT session

I had my second QHHT session on Sunday. I wanted to focus on healing ancestral stuff this time, since last time I had a few past lives come to the surface. We go into the session, and she asks me what I see. There is a brightly lit void and I see myself standing there in the position of the vitruvian man. She asks if I can go anywhere and the response was “It’s a void. Go wherever you wish, the view is unchanged.” lol. No matter what she tried, the focus was clear – there is nowhere to go but in.

She asked me to scan my body and where did my attention focus. Interestingly, the very first thing I felt was literally my own heart beat. It took a while to identify the source of the mild rocking, but eventually I realized “that’s my own heart beating!” There was nothing specific to this particular observation, just that it was central and immediate and obvious. I wore a rose quartz pendant and brought along a large clear quartz “ally” to help amplify the rose quartz – both specifically to engage the heart chakra, and while it was never expressed, perhaps it worked?

But the first area that snagged my attention was my uterus. It felt like all this energy was definitely present, just … going round and round and unable to go further. My description is that “the energy is in knots”. She tried to get me to understand what created those knots, but the answer was “unimportant to the current objective”. I refused to answer and the awareness was not present. Suddenly I started laughing and saying “like Khipu!” – the Incan knot language which was “an intricate system of colourful strings and knots, with each colour and knot telling a different story.” Not only used for accounting, but they do in fact record stories.

The story below is my way of working with the energy and awareness raised by this section of the session. The most interesting part? Here may be a bit TMI, but I actually started a period 3 days after this session – and I’ve been menopausal for 2+ years now. So DEFINITELY something is going on!

Sitting at a table covered with a giant series of tied knots, dexterity and perseverance are the best skills needed to remove these.

“Hey, I recognize that string of knots.”

Glancing up briefly, I just nod while pushing and tugging at one of the knots. “They are call Khipu, the written records of the Inca.”

“Um. Why are you untying them then?”

I pause, hands going still for a moment as I ponder this. Understanding dawns, and I begin again to work at unraveling these old records while speaking. “Because in this instance, the message from the past is not helpful to the future. In fact, all these knots are a karmic tie to events and emotional reactions which are being carried forward for resolution. However, the specific stories and instances these tell of are no longer relevant if we as a people are to expand and grow. So untying the knots to release the story is a way of clearly signaling that I release this hurt, cut this karmic tie, and let the energy once again flow.”

“So are the stories being unraveled specifically Incan?”

Shaking my head a few times, the reply is quick. “No, not at all. But in terms of a metaphor, Khipu are brilliant! So I’ll untie these knots, and with every tug and bit unraveled, more and more of the pain and attachment that has come down to me through my family line is being released.”

“If it’s just a metaphor, how will you know anything is actually happening?”

I smile, recognizing from a lifetime of experience the minor cramps which are now just starting. “Oh, I’ll know. The knots being untied right now are metaphorical, but the fibroids they represent are 100% physical. They are a physical manifestation of the ancestral baggage that has to be let go. Hence, untying the knots.”

“But I thought that in order to let something go, it had to be understood?”

A small shrug, still focusing on the work. “Maybe before – but things are changing. I don’t need to understand how or why the feminine energy of my ancestors was tied into knots. All that is relevant to me, now, is that it IS. Dredging up the stories seems to actually be perpetuating the pain, renewing the anger, and reaffirming the karmic attachment. I have no interest in this process, my focus is on healing and expansion. If my work, small as it is, can help someone else release the story and focus on the healing, excellent. If not, I’ll just keeping doing what I can.”

“Huh. Never considered that before.”

“What part?”

“That knowing the story can actually do more harm than good. That our ego-self can latch onto the story and use it as an excuse to further play victim and expect others to solve the problem, rather than owning our power and moving forward.”

I smile down at my work as a knot on the end of a string finally releases. The string is kinked and shows obvious evidence of having been previously tied, but I know that when I’m done, I can steam the fibers and they will let go. “By Jove, I do believe you are starting to understand in truth!”


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